Cato calls Lucius Murena a dancer. If this be imputed to him truly, it is the reproach of a
violent accuser; but if falsely, it is the abuse of a scurrilous railer. Wherefore, as you are
a person of such influence, you ought not, O Marcus Cato, to pick up abusive expressions out
of the streets, or out of some quarrel of buffoons; you ought not rashly to call a consul of
the Roman people a dancer; but to consider with what other vices besides that man must be
tainted to whom that can with truth be imputed. For no man, one may almost say, ever dances
when sober, unless perhaps he be a madman, nor in solitude, nor in a moderate and sober party;
dancing is the last companion of prolonged feasting, of luxurious situation, and of many
refinements. You charge me with that which must necessarily be the last of all vices, you say
nothing of those things without which this vice absolutely cannot exist: no shameless
feasting, no improper love, no carousing, no lust no extravagance is alleged; and when those
things which have the name of pleasure, and which are vicious, are not found, do you think
that you will find the shadow of luxury in that man in whom you cannot find the luxury itself?
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